Splendora Family Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

What To Do When Your Child Loses Their Baby Teeth

Baby teeth falling out is surely a significant event in the child’s life and a clear indication of his or her growth. Although children might feel uncomfortable having to part with the teeth they have grown used to, the eruption of permanent adult teeth is a valuable experience for them. When children begin to drop a tooth or two, parents will want to ensure their child goes through the process while teaching him or her the right oral protocol for the remaining years. Setting aside the debates around the tooth fairy, there are certain things that parents need to understand once a child starts teething. So, let’s dive straight into the article and get more information on it with Splendora Dental Office TX.

1 Remove Fear of Pain

Some children are concerned about the discomfort they may feel when they lose their teeth. It is normal to expect that when a baby tooth is set to be replaced by a permanent tooth, it should easily shed without causing discomfort. Some pain can be experienced in a child if he or she pulls a tooth out too early or if the tooth gets knocked out. In case a child is unable to pull out his/her tooth or is afraid of the pain resulting from this, there is always a topical anesthetic that can lessen some pain, or you may wish to speak to the dentist regarding which way would be best.

Taking out teeth and placing them under the pillow for the tooth fairy is not only exciting for children. This can assist them in dealing with the issue of having missing teeth, or the pain one has to endure when pulling out a tooth.

2 Do not pull out a loose tooth unless it is ready

Your child will shed baby teeth when the time is right, and teeth can become wobbly due to various other factors. Only because the baby’s teeth may be wiggly, this is not an indication that they are ready to be taken out from your child’s mouth. The use of floss and slamming the door or roughly moving the teeth may lead to sensitivity in your child’s gums or even bleeding. If bleeding or unbearable pain occurs when a baby tooth is removed, consult your dentist.

3 Make oral health a habit now

Once the permanent set of teeth begins to grow, parents should explain to the children that they should take care of their teeth because they will have those teeth for the rest of their lives.
Once you are done with the baby’s teeth, you must brush and floss to avoid infections or cavities.

Immediately after losing a tooth, the child must refrain from cleaning the sensitive area with a toothbrush or floss for 2-3 days. However, you should not consider this and ignore the rest of your teeth. Illustrating the procedure of brushing, flossing, rinsing, applying fluoride gel, and visiting a dentist regularly at this age will save your children’s adult teeth through the teenage and adult periods.

4 Fragments of tissue remained

When kids lose their baby teeth, some of them are left with a piece of skin hanging over it. This should not be torn or pulled away from the child’s gum since it is required to cover the underlying healthy tissue. This tissue may have to be stripped off, which is rather painful and, in any case, has no beneficial effect. In most cases, the tissue will simply slough off or grow thin on its own. If it is uncomfortable for your child, you can visit a dentist and ask the dentist for assistance.

5 Losing baby teeth and having a gap is perfectly natural

Problems with gaps between teeth and other dental complications that result from it may lead to low self-esteem temporarily in children and may interfere with their ability to speak fluently. Some of the children face a lot of challenges when they have missing teeth, and sometimes they are even teased. It is a normal event in the process of children’s growth and development, and every child will have to face it. Guiding the children into understanding that every child loses his or her teeth at different times and that the gaps that are left behind are only temporary is beneficial when it comes to the transition to permanent teeth.

6 Ensure topical anesthetics and anti-inflammatories are available

Some children are very sensitive, and if they are required to undergo some sort of painful experience, like when they are about to lose their teeth, they may need some assistance to overcome their concerns about such pain. It can diminish some initial pain that arises after tooth loss and is a quick and effective method of doing this since it is a topical anesthetic. If it bothers them or is painful when one wiggles the tooth, oral medication such as ibuprofen or Tylenol can help with the pain.

After removing a tooth, your child may have a swollen socket due to wiggling the tooth before it was pulled. For inflammation, you can use off-the-counter anti-inflammatories however, if the swelling continues, consult your dentist.

Summing It Up

It can be an enchanting experience to watch your child lose their baby teeth, and you should help them through it. Celebrate each tooth loss that occurs with your child and make sure they realize that, despite the occasional unease, the process is normal. Lastly, remember to teach your kids good dental hygiene practices today, as they will become much more crucial later on. Make an appointment at Splendora Dental Office TX if you feel your child’s adult teeth aren’t erupting correctly or need a checkup!