Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums
While kids enjoy the tooth fairy when they lose a baby tooth, adults face major anxiety about loose permanent teeth, which should stay firmly in place. Adults should seek professional dental care immediately when they experience tooth movement since quick treatment usually saves the tooth.
Adult teeth become loose based on dental health problems or suffer a traumatic injury to their mouth.
Adult teeth can become loose from dental trauma, frequently occurring during sports or falls. Have your dentist examine your compromised tooth immediately after trauma to assess injury to the tooth base and gum tissue, although initial healing might seem normal.
Gum Disease
You should check for periodontitis, as it may be your main culprit if your tooth moves freely without apparent damage. Periodontitis is a gum disease that destroys the structures and soft tissues that protect your teeth. When gum disease worsens, it pulls your gums back while your permanent teeth lose their firm position. When gum disease reaches its advanced stage, you may experience extra symptoms such as bleeding during flossing together with tender and swollen gums.
Teeth may shift and loosen when you grind or clench regularly because of stress-related bruxism. Most individuals do not know they grind their teeth during nighttime rest.
Pregnancy and Menopause
Your hormonal changes during pregnancy or menopause might influence how healthy your teeth stay. Abnormal hormone levels of estrogen and progesterone affect pregnancy by softening all jaw tissues, but the effects disappear after birth. As estrogen levels decline during menopause, the body loses bone density. Weaker jawbones raise the chance that teeth will become loose.
Calcium enables bone growth, yet it remains critical for our teeth to maintain optimal health. Long-term consumption of the seizure medicine phenytoin interferes with calcium absorption, which damages and pulls out the teeth.
Standard drugs used for contraception, depression, and pain relief often trigger dry mouth side effects that boost your chances of developing tooth decay. See your doctor right away when you think your medication might be linked to your loose tooth instead of trying to change your treatment without their approval.
Medical conditions you already have can boost your risk of gum disease, which commonly causes tooth loosening. These include:
You can skip worrying about treating teeth that move away from gums. Several preventive methods exist to help maintain your loose teeth. Go over the following paragraphs to learn how to treat a permanent loose tooth:
1. Scaling and Root Planing
SRP (Scaling and root planing) is a key dental care procedure. During scaling procedures, dental professionals remove all plaque and tartar materials from tooth surfaces. During root planning treatment, your dentist removes bacteria and tartar that build up along your teeth’s gum edges.
The dental care treatments address multiple gum conditions by treating bleeding gums and gum inflammation and helping restore loose teeth.
2. Bite Adjustment
You can naturally treat loose teeth even though a complete cure might not always be possible. A dentist will treat your misaligned bite if they identify it as the source of your teeth-grinding condition. During this treatment, the dentist contours the tooth structure by removing minimal enamel to shift the biting position. The treatment brings teeth and jaw into the proper position.
3. Mouth Guard
Sleep-time teeth grinding leads many to seek treatments to address their wiggly teeth. Pick the mouthguard protection instead. The barrier keeps your teeth spaced away from each other throughout your sleep. The best choice to fix grinding-related wobbly teeth is through mouth guard usage during sleep.
4. Dental Bone Graft
If your dentist suspects bone loss in your jaw, you may need bone graft surgery to correct the loose teeth. This method creates better bone density in your jaw area. A surgeon can collect the necessary bone from the hip region or the lower leg to perform the treatment. Bone surgeons perform bone grafting procedures to fix this jaw bone condition.
5. Splinting of Teeth
Your dentist will show you how to stop your teeth from shaking. The most potent solution for unstable teeth is dental splinting treatment. A dentist can join two broken-down teeth to strengthen a single unit. By linking two weak teeth, a dentist creates a stronger composite tooth structure.
6. Flap Surgery
Flap surgery successfully treats gum disease and makes loose teeth stable. A surgeon removes plaque and tartar from teeth while attempting to restore healthy bone and gum tissue.
7. Re-implant Tooth
After an accident that dislodges a tooth, a dentist can place it back into its original position. If you need help replacing your displaced tooth, immediately rush to your local clinic.
You need to understand effective methods for dealing with wobbly permanent teeth. You can protect your teeth from falling out using simple dental care steps instead of costly dental treatments. Check out the following pointers to know how to treat loose teeth at home:
Expensive dental procedures such as root canal treatment, bone grafting, splinting, and flap surgery help treat problems in your teeth and gums. Splendora Dentist TX includes dental treatment benefits in its outpatient treatment coverage even though standard health insurance usually does not cover dental costs.