Splendora Family Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

What is The Most Natural Looking Dentures?

Dentures are synthetic appliances that can fix a dental anomaly that may result from tooth decay, tooth loss, periodontal diseases, facial injuries, and so forth. Dentures can look indistinguishable from your natural, provided that certain conditions are kept in mind. Let us explore the various ways to discover the most natural-looking dentures for your smile.

Tips and Tricks to Find Natural-Looking Dentures

  1. Quality of materials: To begin with, dentures composed of cheap materials look fake and old-fashioned. In some dentures, the gums and the teeth are made of the same material, providing the entire set a very garish and plastic-like appearance. So, the first step in finding dentures that look natural is to ensure that they are crafted from quality materials similar to porcelain veneers. A high-quality set of dentures will imitate your natural teeth in all possible ways. The texture of the dentures is equally essential as highly glossed teeth look fake and artificial.
  2. Color of the Dentures: Another way to opt for natural-looking dentures is to opt for dentures with a natural-looking color and dimension. Your smile is unique, so it is crucial that your dentures are custom-made to fit your mouth snugly. Moreover, the phenomenon of color-matching the teeth and gums are also veritably significant in making the dentures look as organic as possible. 
  3. Positioning: You can never find natural-looking dentures if the positioning is not appropriate. Your dentures should neither be placed too far out nor too closely fixed. They should not be very long or very short. The fir of the dentures should be snug and comfortable so that you can eat, smile, and speak freely. 

In conclusion, dentures can look natural and similar to your real teeth if certain precautions are taken during the customization process.

Schedule your appointment with a Splendora dentist today and get the treatment on time!